
变化 & 编辑

学生手册有时会在发布之后进行更改. 在这种情况下, 除非这些更改没有改变所涉及的策略的含义(更改联系人信息), 拼写错误, 以及其他无关紧要的小变化), 这些变化将在这里记录下来.



2024-2025学生手册变更 & 编辑

2023-2024学生手册变更 & 编辑


JUNE 2023: CAMP SA-53 Annual Health Assessment and Immunizations Policy - Updated COVID-19 immunization information under PROCEDURES/Annual Health Assessment (changed from ‘Required’ to ‘Strongly Recommended’).


2022-2023学生手册变更 & 编辑

CAMP SA-45 Leave of Absence Policy and F95496 Leave of Absence Form - changes made to policy and form regarding 'Returning from Leave': Students must complete a Health Assessment with the Student Health Office prior to returning from a Leave of Absence.


CAMP G-02财政援助政策添加到学生手册的一般政策部分.


CAMP SA-56选择名称:新政策已批准并添加到学生手册中. 

学生可能想要使用与他们的法定名称不同的名称. 为了适应这种偏好, the University has established a policy that allows students to indicate their chosen first names to the University community, 即使他们没有更改他们的法定名称.

2021-2022学生手册变更 & 编辑

CAMP SA-55人称代词:新政策被批准并添加到学生手册中.


  1. 对司法事务协调人所作的决定及/或处分不满意者, University Judicial Board or Committee on Academic Honesty may appeal by filing a written statement with the Dean of Student Affairs within 5 business days of receipt of the sanction (changed from 10 business days to 5 business days).

CAMP SA-45休假政策:修订政策以包括更新的语言, 并增加了请假表格的链接.

CAMP SA-54 Weather-related Course/Clinical Cancellations Policy: new policy approved and added to 学生手册.

CAMP SA-13毕业典礼参与和学位授予政策更改为毕业典礼参与, 学位授与, 和王室政策.  学术徽章/装饰部分增加到政策.

CAMP SA-21 and CAMP SA-24 have been combined to make one new policy --  CAMP SA-53: Annual Health Assessment and Immunizations Policy.

2020-2021年学生手册变更 & 编辑

没有实质性的改变. 策略跟踪转移到MCN系统.  政策现在将每两年审查一次.

2019-2020学生手册变更 & 编辑


2018-2019学年学生手册变更 & 编辑



护理学院, 晋升和学术地位:删除查尔斯罗斯纪念奖的所有信息

护理学院, 学术政策, 居住要求, 做了以下更改/编辑:


有望获得上州医科大学护理学院的学位, 这个学生必须被某一专业录取. 学士学位至少30个学分, a minimum of 48 credits for the RN to MS program (BS/MS 学位s) 硕士学位至少需要36个学分, 并且必须在上州医科大学学习至少20个学分的硕士后到DNP, 考试学分不能作为居住要求. 至少36小时的硕士学位包括高级健康评估的要求, 高级实践药理学, 临床病理生理学, 高级护理研究, and all clinical courses required for the 学位 must be taken at the 护理学院 at 上州医科大学. 护理教育证书有6个学时的实习要求. Students are expected to complete the program in the required period of time and in sequence; exceptions may be considered by petition to the office of the Dean.


有望获得上州医科大学护理学院的学位, 这个学生必须被某一专业录取. 学士学位至少30个学分, 硕士学位至少需要36个学分, 并且必须在上州医科大学获得至少20个学分的硕士后证书, 考试学分不能作为居住要求. The 36-hour minimum for the MS 学位 includes the requirement that all clinical courses required for the 学位 must be taken at the 护理学院 at 上州医科大学. 不接受转学临床课程. Students are expected to complete the program in the required period of time (5 years) and in sequence; exceptions may be considered by petition to the office of the Dean. 护理教育证书有3个学分的实习要求. 教育评估必须在推荐最近最火的赌博软件 CON进行.


隶属卫生专业人员学院,推广 & 学术地位,医师助理学生的学术标准,增加了以下内容:


如果累积GPA低于3分,PA学生将被留校察看.0且大于等于2.33.  留校察看一学期以上者,视为开除学籍.  在留校察看期间, 学生必须与他们的学术顾问会面,以评估学业进展.



  • 他们将收到书记官长的一封信. 这封信是关于该学生学术状况的书面警告
  • 如果在接下来的学期中,学生的总体GPS继续低于3.学生将被提交给学生评估委员会,可能被开除.

另外, the Academic Promotions Committee may place students on profession behavior probation for unprofessional conduct and/or clinical incompetence.  参见卫生专业人员学院不专业行为政策: http://www.Upstate.edu/student-handbook/health-professions/philosophy.php.


医学院, 学术的进步, 覆核及上诉委员会, 学生进步委员会, 增加了以下内容:


  1. A student who has received two deficiencies throughout medical school or about whom the Student Progress Committee has specific concern will meet with the chair of the Student Progress Committee (or another designated faculty member in the case of conflict of interest). 学生将获得有关成功策略的建议, 资源, 参与课外活动和完成学位的时间.

医学院, 学术的进步, 覆核及上诉委员会, 学术评审委员会, 增加了以下内容:


  1. 当然导演, 见习主任和现场主任没有资格在学术审查委员会任职.

医学院, 学术的进步, 覆核及上诉委员会, 定义, 增加了以下内容:

采取任何可能影响医学生身份的行动的公平和正式的程序:任何机构机构对政策和程序的使用(例如.g., 学生晋升委员会)负责决定学生的学业进展, 继续注册, and/or graduation of a medical student in a manner that ensures: 1) that the student will be assessed by individuals who have not previously formed an opinion of the student’s abilities, 专业, and/or suitability to become a physician; and 2) that the student has received timely notice of the proceedings, 有关诉讼目的的资料, and any evidence to be presented at the proceedings; his or her right to participate in and provide information or otherwise respond to participants in the proceedings; and any opportunity to appeal any adverse decision resulting from the proceedings. (元素9.9)


研究生院, 学术评价与晋升, 做了以下更改/编辑:


评分系统包括及格的“A”, "A-", "B+", "B", "B-", "C+", "C", "C-", "D+", "D", "D-", "S"和不及格的"F"和"U", “XF”和“不完整”. “F”和“U”是不及格的成绩,包括在学生的GPA中. 未完成等级, 在这个学院使用, 是否可由导师自行决定改到另一个年级, 或者,它也可以作为表明未完成作业的最终成绩保留在记录中. 不完整没有信用.


研究生院的评分制度包括及格成绩为“A”。, "A-", "B+", "B", "B-", "C+", "C", "S"和不及格的"F"和"U", “XF”和“不完整”. 任何低于“C”的都被认为是不及格,因此将被计算为“F”。.  “F”和“U”是不及格的成绩,包括在学生的GPA中. 未完成等级, 在这个学院使用, 是否可由导师自行决定改到另一个年级, 或者,它也可以作为表明未完成作业的最终成绩保留在记录中. 不完整没有信用.  Note: All 700 level research courses in the 研究生院 are considered Incomplete until the student graduates, 届时,“不完整”将改为“S”,表示“满意”.

研究生院, 毕业要求, 哲学博士学位的要求, 做了以下更改/编辑:


博士学位总共需要90个学分.D. 学位. A minimum of 30 credit hours is devoted to research and a minimum of 30 credit hours must be taken in didactic course work.


博士学位总共需要90个学分.D. 学位. A minimum of 30 credit hours is devoted to research and a minimum of 30 credit hours must be taken in didactic course work. 剩下的30个可以完全通过教学和/或研究学分的任何组合.



上州医科大学 has a core set of institutional learning outcomes (ISLOs) that describe a set of core abilities all students will demonstrate during their time at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.  The ISLOs prepare students enrolled across all 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 programs for careers in the health and biomedical sciences, 与大学使命的直接联系.  ISLOs是由大学领导更新并批准的, 2017年的四所大学院长和教师管理小组.


上州医科大学 has a core set of institutional learning outcomes (ISLOs) that describe a set of core abilities all students will demonstrate during their time at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.  The ISLOs prepare students enrolled across all 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 programs for careers in the health and biomedical sciences, 与大学使命的直接联系.  ISLOs是由大学领导更新并批准的, 2017年的四所大学院长和教师管理小组, 并在2018年该机构的中部州认证自学期间进行了审查.


在学生期望和大学政策之下, 健康保险, 残障保险, 和健康费, 强制性健康保险, 做了以下更改/编辑:


所有被录取的学生都必须有健康保险.  未能在注册时提供健康保险证明将会延迟注册.  Students who do not register on time will not be allowed to attend classes and will be subject to a late registration fee of $40 and a late payment fee of $50 ($90 total).  Students will be required to present proof of insurance for review and assurance of coverage at the time of their annual health assessment.


Students who do not register on time will not be allowed to attend classes and will be subject to a late registration fee of $40 and a late payment fee of $50 ($90 total). 

2017-2018年学生手册变更 & 编辑

1)低于学生期望和大学政策, 校园商务活动, 资料分发处对政策声明作了以下修改/编辑:


根据纽约州立大学董事会1966年5月12日第66-156号决议(2月28日修订), 1973):

No authorization will be given to private commercial enterprises to operate on State University campuses or in facilities furnished by the University other than to provide for food, 校园书店, 洗衣, 还有文化活动. This resolution shall not be deemed to apply to Faculty-Student Association activities approved by the University.  


In accordance with SUNY Board of Trustees Resolution Number 2012-020 of 3/28/12 and the SUNY Commercial Use Policy:

It is the policy of the State University to encourage the use of capital facilities of the University for appropriate commercial uses.  就本政策而言, “商业用途”是指为盈利或潜在盈利而使用, 包括研究, 由公共或私人实体. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, 根据具体情况,如下所述, 可授权商业用途, 自行决定, 其资本设施应遵守以下原则:

  • 使用大学设施进行教学, 研究和公共服务优先于大学设施的商业用途.
  • 商业用途不得与之冲突, 并将推进…的使命, 校园, 不得侵犯, 延误或与校园正常运作相冲突的.
  • 商业用途不得与大学的战略计划相冲突,并应促进大学的战略计划.
  • Commercial use shall not have a significant potential for material adverse effect on the reputation of 校园 for academic integrity and independence.
  • 商业用途不得与校园辅助服务公司的活动竞争或复制, 校园基础, 或其他与校园有关的实体.
  • 商业用途不得违反校园之间的现有协议, 其辅助服务公司, 基金会或其他与校园有关的实体和在校园提供商品或服务的供应商.
  • Commercial use shall conform to federal tax law restrictions on private use of facilities financed by tax-exempt bonds.
  • 商业用途应在适用范围内符合联邦研究指南.

2016-2017年学生手册变更 & 编辑
