

Understanding 心绞痛 Pectoris


心绞痛 is pain or discomfort in the chest. 疼痛常常让人感到 squeezing or pressure-like. This discomfort can also be felt in the shoulders, arms, 颈部、颚部或背部. 心绞痛l pain usually lasts for no more than 2 to 10 minutes.

Types of angina include:

  • —Has a consistent pattern. 一个人常常知道:
  • —Does not have a pattern and can be more severe. 胸痛可能 happen during rest or sleep. 的 discomfort may last longer. It may be more intense than that of stable angina.
    • Unstable angina may be a sign of that a person is about to have a 心脏病.
  • —Affects tiny 动脉 in the heart. 它可以是稳定的或者 不稳定. It may be more painful and last longer than other types of angina.
  • —Caused by a short term spasm of the heart's 动脉. It often happens during rest, most often in the middle of the night. 它可以 相当严厉.
Typical 心绞痛 Pain Areas
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心绞痛 is usually a sign of 冠状动脉 疾病 (计算机辅助设计). It happens when the blood 船s leading to the heart are narrowed or blocked. 的 blockage decreases blood and oxygen flow to the heart. 的 lack of oxygen results in chest pain and other symptoms.

Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary Artery plaque
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Stable or Unstable 心绞痛

心绞痛 happens when the heart's need for blood and oxygen is 增加了:

  • 运动或努力
  • 寒冷的天气
  • 一顿大餐
  • 情绪压力

Stable angina becomes 不稳定 when symptoms:

  • 发生得更频繁
  • 持续时间更长
  • Are triggered more easily

Variant or Prinzmetal 心绞痛

This type of angina is usually caused by a spasm of a heart 船. 这可能是一种征兆:


计算机辅助设计 is more common in older men. Other things that may raise the 计算机辅助设计风险包括:



  • Pressure or squeezing chest pain
    • Chest pain or discomfort is the key symptom of angina
    • Some people do not have the pain as badly
    • Older people, women, and people with diabetes are more apt to have milder symptoms and pain in other areas
    • Some people have silent ischemia (lack of blood supply to the heart) and do 没有胸痛

A 心脏病 更有可能 when chest discomfort is severe, lasts more than 15 minutes, and there are symptoms, 如:

  • Pain in the shoulder(s) or arm(s), or into the jaw(s)
  • 弱点
  • 出汗
  • 恶心想吐
  • 呼吸急促(气促)


的 doctor will ask about symptoms and personal and family 健康. Tests will be done right away. 的 tests will see if the person is having angina 或者心脏病发作. Some tests may be used to rule out other causes.

For stable patterns of angina, other tests may be done. 这些 tests will check the extent of 疾病. That way it can be properly treated.

Images may be taken of the heart with:

心 活动 may be tested with:

  • 心电图 ( 心电图)
  • 运动压力测试
    • Some people cannot exercise. To take this test, they will need a special medicine during the test. 的 medicine will create the effect of physical 活动.


治疗 will help to improve blood flow to the heart. 有些人可能会 长时间行动. Others may be used when an attack happens. 治疗 may include:


Medicine may be given to:

  • Stop an angina attack—May be taken as a pill that dissolves under the tongue or 像喷雾一样.
  • Prevent angina before 活动—May be taken as pills or applied as patches or 药膏.
  • Thin the blood—To decrease the risk of 心脏病.
  • Reduce the number of angina attacks.
  • Lower cholesterol—May prevent 计算机辅助设计 from getting worse; or may even improve 现有的计算机辅助设计.
  • Lower blood pressure and decrease the workload on the heart.
  • Treat long term angina.


Some people have severe angina or 不稳定, worsening angina. If so, the doctor may advise:


Steps to prevent 计算机辅助设计 include:

  • Maintain a 健康y weight.
  • Begin a safe exercise program with the advice of your doctor.
  • 不吸烟或吸电子烟.
  • Eat a 健康y diet that is:
  • Manage 高血压 and diabetes.
  • Manage abnormal cholesterol levels or 高 甘油三酸酯.


  • Kloner RA,董事长B. 心绞痛 and its management. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 的r. 2017;22(3):199-209.
  • Management of stable angina. 力学的网站. 可用 在:http://www.力学.com/management/management-of-stable-angina.
  • 什么是心绞痛? National 心, Lung, and Blood Institute 网站. 可用 at: http://www.nhlbi.国家卫生研究院.gov/健康/健康-topics/topics/angina.