

At 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Golisano Children's Hospital, our healthcare team consists of many dedicated professionals who will take care of both your child's needs and your own. All team members encourage patients and families to ask questions and discuss concerns.



Case managers are registered nurses in charge of coordinating and managing resources. 的y screen all patients and assess for discharge needs. Your child will be assigned a specific case manager who will also help you with outpatient services, 家庭护理和社区随访.


儿童生活专家 at University Hospital help children cope with their fears and anxieties by offering pre-operative sessions and therapeutic activities that are tailored to meet their social, 情感, 发展需要. Children are provided with the opportunity to continue normal development and to recover from the 情感 and physical effects of illness. 熟悉的活动,如玩耍, 艺术, school and peer socialization are offered to help young children cope more effectively with the often overwhelming world of the hospital.


牧师从 小儿精神护理 are available to provide spiritual and 情感 support with patients, families and staff.


  • 田园访问
  • Emotional support during times of crisis and celebration
  • 祈祷
  • 交流
  • 咨询
牧师. Weez' Storytime can be viewed on the Spiritual Care Channel 40 in the hospital.

Golisano Children's Hospital's 儿科 Chaplain:


的 Nursing staff consists of registered nurses, LPN's and clinical technicians. Your child's nurse will work closely with you to plan and carry out your child's treatments. 的y will keep you informed of the progress and any changes that may occur during the hospital stay. 的 nursing team will also help prepare you to care for you child at home after discharge.


的se are Registered Nurses with an advanced degree and special training. 的 nurse practitioners may assist your child's attending physician in providing care as well as coordinating your discharge to home.


每次轮班时, a specific registered nurse on each unit, called a 病人服务主任 (PSL), is assigned to oversee patient care. 的 PSL makes sure every patient is receiving the necessary attention and that the unit is always prepared to meet patient needs.


的 Nurse Manager is responsible for supervising the staff of each p艺术icular area to assure that quality care is maintained.


This person oversees the operation of all the pediatric areas to maintain quality care consistent with the hospital mission goals.


Each day your attending physician will visit your child. He or she is responsible for all aspects of your child's care and directs the medical/surgical team taking care of your child. P艺术 of that team includes medical students, interns and residents. 的 resident is a graduate of medical school and is in their second or third year of specialized training for pediatrics. 的 intern is in the first year of specialized training in pediatrics after medical school. 的 Interns or Residents are supervised by your Attending Physician.


Respiratory therapist are breathing specialist who provide oxygen, breathing treatments and help maintain mechanical ventilation if necessary for your child.


Social workers are available to help you and your child deal with 情感 and financial difficulties while you are in the hospital. 的y will help you with sleeping arrangements, meal vouchers and parking. A social worker is on call 24 hours a day for emergency needs or support.


At our teaching hospital you may encounter a variety of students. We have nursing, occupational, physical therapy, respiratory therapy and medical students. It may be confusing at times but all staff have ID badges that identify who they are.


You may encounter a variety of other staff. We have a dedicated pharmacist, dietitian, occupational and physical therapist. We also have a tutor who will help your child with school needs if they miss a substantial amount of school.